As a gait training device, LiteGait® simultaneously controls the posture, balance, and weight bearing of a patient over ground or over a treadmill. In achieving the proper gait posture, a portion of the patient's weight is transferred from the legs to the groin and lower stomach area. This is made possible by placing patients within a suspension mechanism, enabling them to walk in an upright position while maximizing their comfort. Because of the support on the patient's weight, a Sauk City physical therapist is able to train the gait in fall-free conditions and establish a constant rhythm of movement using the treadmill. Likewise, the therapist is free to facilitate tension on the patient's hip flexor. During this process, the patient will gradually avoid excessive rotation and differentiate between the control of the right and left side., October 4, 2013
How Nursing Homes in Madison WI Can Reduce Compassion Fatigue Among Family Caregivers
Compassion fatigue, a type of burnout that used to affect only people who are in so-called “traumatic professions” like doctors and nurses, is now beginning to impact regular individuals. According to an article in the National Post, written by Dr. James Aw, medical director of Medcan Clinic in Toronto, adults who are juggling various responsibilities that include caring for a sick elderly relative, are showing signs of physical, emotional, and spiritual distress commonly associated with this condition. Compassion fatigue is characterized by mood swings, usually from depression to resentment to anxiety to apathy and helplessness. Medical and health professionals, who are expected to always be in their best shape to support, console and empathize with their patients, eventually break down due to the stress of caregiving. Fortunately for American caregivers, reliable nursing homes in Madison WI can relieve part of such burdens by providing compassionate care for their elderly.